

sh.t happens

sh.t happens

Sometimes -or maybe most of the time- what you see is just the tiny bit of reality and with that small bit you try to make your own big world. You feel joy, you feel excited, you think everybody is good intentioned, you listen and you care. But then comes another reality, another truth. What you cared for is insensitive – couldn’t care less. You just misinterpreted – that is all. Skies get darker, wind gets stronger and in the blink of an eye seasons change.
Welcome to the new version of reality. It’s a shame but what can you do? You gotta move on. Take a deep breath, walk away from this treason, do yourself good, feel gratitude – no matter what, tire your body and brain out, talk with people who’s been there for you in times of good and bad, shift your focus, get busy with other stuff, stop trying to “understand”, that’s not a good idea right now. How could you understand?! Yeah, you don’t deserve this attitude, yeah at least an apology but think of it as a curse of being so naive and sensitive. Sh*t happens. It just does. You don’t need to take it personal or live with that much sh*t though. Suck it up and get back on your feet.


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